7411 Applewood Rd. Crestwood, KY 40014   Times:  Sun 10:00 am, 11:00 am & 5:00 pm; Wed 7:00 pm

A Congregation of Christians committed to simply following Christ.

A Congregation of Christians

Committed to simply following Christ.

  • Exercise Toward Godliness

    Spiritual disciplines for Christian Life: Prayer, study, worship, meditation, fasting, and adding to our faith.  

    Join us for this series of sermons Sunday mornings @ 11:00 from July 28th through August 25th. 



    Coordinating with our Wednesday study in the book of Acts, explore each of Paul's New Testament letters to the churches in light of the times and events when they were written. 

    CLICK to download the study guide


    Join us Sunday Evenings @ 5:00 pm as we search the Scriptures to find Bible answers for Bible questions presented by our members as well as visitors. 

  • Acts of the Apostles

    Join us as we explore the history of the early church.

    Wednesday Evenings @ 7:00 pm

    Download the Study Guide
  •  Foundations

    Sermon Theme 2024


    Join us for sermons on building strong foundations in your family, your faith, your relationship with God are more. 

    Sunday mornings @ 11:00 am


Planning to Visit?

Visiting the Louisville, KY area or just passing through?

You are welcomed to visit during any of our meeting times.

Our Meeting Times:


10:00 am Bible Study: The Epistles of Paul

11:00 am Worship

5:00 pm Bible Study: Bible Answers for Bible Questions


7:00 pm Bible Study: The Book of Acts

Who Are We?

The church of Christ at Crestwood is a congregation of believers who follow Jesus Christ as our Savior, King, and Teacher (Matthew 23:8).

Jesus is the Head of the church (Ephesians 1:22-23). As the body of Christ, we make it our aim follow commands and teachings as revealed in the New Testament Scriptures. In this way, we strive to fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20).

Wen you visit us, you will not find many common traditions and practices that cannot be found in the Bible. What you will find is a congregation of Christians striving to fulfill the love of Christ. As He said, "If you love Me, keep My commandments" (John 14:15).

To learn more about Jesus, the Bible, and what that looks like to work and worship as a New Testament church, click the "Learn More" button below to go to view our About Us page.

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The New Testament Church

According to Matthew 16:18, Jesus said the church belongs to Him. He said, "I will build My church." It is not man-made, but Christ made.

Jesus builds His church by calling all to be saved through His gospel. Those who come to Him for salvation are added by Him to His church (Acts 2:42, 47).

A local church is a congregation of people who belong to Christ having been purchased by His blood (Acts 20:28), and who have agreed to assemble and work together (Acts 14:21-23).

To learn more of what the Bible teaches about the New Testament church, click the button below.

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God's Power for Salvation

The apostle Paul wrote that God "desires that all men be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth."  (1 Timothy 2:4)

By faith and obedience to the gospel of Jesus Christ, God gives us access to His power unto salvation (Romans 1:16-17).

No matter your current situation, the gospel is powerful enough to save you if you are willing to come to God by faith in Jesus Christ.

The members of the Crestwood church of Christ rejoice in having received that salvation, and we are eager to share that good news with you. 

We invite you to learn about the gospel plan of salvation.

To set up a time to learn the gospel from the Bible, begin by clicking the link below. 

Personal Bible Study


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